10 Best inspirational motivational quotes and life success lines

10 Inspirational Motivational Quotes and Life Success Lines.

1. Religion consists in being and becoming in realization.

2. Frist believe the word that there is a meaning behind every thing.

3. The great secret of real success real happiness.

4. The greatest religion is to be true to one’s own nature, to have faith in oneself.

5. Live for the ideal and leave no room in your mind for anything else.

6. Superstition is our great enemy, but fanaticism is worse.

7. What is selfish is immoral and what is unselfish is moral.

8. Convenience is not the rest of the truth, the truth is often for convenience.

9. The power of concentration is the only key to the treasury of knowledge.

10. Purity, patience and perseverance are the three basic prerequisites for success and, above all, for love.

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